Blue House Veterinary Centre 01782 522100
Blue House Veterinary Centre's home page
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Local Services

Our directory of local services is provided as a source of information to our clients

Local Services

Our directory of local services is provided as a source of information to our clients

Our directory of local services is provided as a source of information to our clients. Listing in this directory is on request, and appearance here does not constitute endorsement of any business by Blue House Veterinary Centre.


Kennels & Catteries

Kennels & Catteries

Helping you with a little research to find the right person

Dog and Cat Groomers

Dog and Cat Groomers

Helping you find the right Groomer for you pet

Dog Training

Dog Training

Learning how to train your own dog has many benefits



Hydrotherapy can be used to speed recovery or to slow the progression of degenerative conditions

Rescue Centres

Rescue Centres

If you want a new pet, please consider a rescue pet

Animal Behaviourists

Animal Behaviourists

Sometimes our pets show behaviour that we would rather they didn’t!

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